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PagerDuty Accounts Integration

PagerDuty Accounts integration allows Cloudaware to discover and display your PagerDuty incidents, along with PagerDuty Users, PagerDuty Teams, PagerDuty Services, etc. in Cloudaware CMDB. The object PagerDuty Incident in Cloudaware has lookups to AWS Account, AWS Region, AWS EC2 Instance, Azure Virtual Machine, Google GCE Instance.

logo rgb_sign dark (3).png To see how Cloudaware seamlessly integrates with PagerDuty in action, request a demo.

Adding PagerDuty Account

1. Log in to your Cloudaware account. Go to Admin in the main menu under your username → PagerDuty Accounts. Click +Add.

2. Insert the integration details. Click Save.


Name - PagerDuty Account integration name in Cloudaware

API Key* - API Key generated in your PagerDuty account (check step 3 of Basic PagerDuty Configuration)

Period - time period for PagerDuty incidents to be pulled in Cloudaware (maximum number of resolved incidents is 10,000)

To get API Key for this integration, you must be an Admin or Account Owner within PagerDuty.

3. The green light in 'Status' means that your PagerDuty account has been added successfully. If there is a red light, please contact

Once PagerDuty Accounts integration is added, go to Cloudaware Navigator to view the PagerDuty data collected in CMDB:

List of PagerDuty Objects 

Cloudaware supports the following PagerDuty objects:

PagerDuty Account
PagerDuty Incident
PagerDuty Service
PagerDuty Service Integration
PagerDuty Team
PagerDuty User
PagerDuty User Contact Method
PagerDuty User Notification Rule

PagerDuty Incident Assignment User Link
PagerDuty Incident Team Link
PagerDuty Service Team Link
PagerDuty User Team Link

Cloudaware parses PagerDuty incidents allowing you to gain visibility of events. Sample PagerDuty Incident in Cloudaware:

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