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Basic PagerDuty Configuration

You must be an Admin or Account Owner within PagerDuty to access API Key and Integration Key that are used for configuring PagerDuty Accounts and/or PagerDuty Notification integrations in Cloudaware. Skip this section if you have your PagerDuty account set up for further configuration with Cloudaware.

To start PagerDuty account configuration from scratch, follow the steps below:

1. Log in to your PagerDuty account. Click User icon → My Profile. Configure your User Profile adding Contact Information, Notification Rules, User Settings:

2. Invite your team members. Go to PeopleUsersAdd Users.

Each user will need to set up their Profile settings. 

3. Generate an API key. Go to Configuration (upper right corner) → API Access → click +Create New API Key.

Give a description to the key → Create Key. Copy the key to a safe place and click Close.

You can use one API key for both types of PagerDuty integration in Cloudaware.

4. Configure the Incident Notification Pipeline:

4.1. Create a Team to add users, define their team roles and customize the UI for specific users in your PagerDuty account (optional). Go to PeopleTeams+New Team.

Learn more about Teams

4.2. Create On-Call Schedule to distribute incident response responsibility across your teams. Go to PeopleOn-Call Schedules → click +New On-Call Schedule.

Select a responsible team, add users, set up a rotation and a start time for the schedule. Click Create Schedule.

Learn more about Schedules

4.3. Create an Escalation Policy. Go to PeopleEscalation Policies → click +New Escalation Policy.

Add a team, specify a user who will be assigned responsibility for resolution when a service is triggered and set up notification settings. Click Save.

Learn more about Escalation Policies

4.4. Set up Services and Integrations to be monitored in PagerDuty. Go to ServicesService Directory +New Service to add a service (an application, component, or team) you wish to open incidents against.

Manage the Service settings: add one of the available integrations, select the escalation policy you created before and set up incident behavior. Click Add Service.

Learn more about Services & Integrations

5. Test your PagerDuty configuration by creating a test incident. Go to IncidentsAll Incidents → click +New Incident.

Give a name to the incident and select the appropriate escalation policy → Create Incident. Resolve your test incident.

Learn more about Incidents

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