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Rally Notification

Rally is an enterprise-class platform that is purpose-built for scaling agile development practices. The integration allows to set up outbound connection with Rally in Cloudaware.

logo rgb_sign dark (3).png To see how Cloudaware seamlessly integrates with Rally in action, request a demo.

Integration Setup

1. Log in to Cloudaware account → click Admin under your username in the upper right corner.

2. Locate Rally Notification in Other Integrations. Click +Add.

3. Fill in the required information:

1Server URL - If you use SaaS Rally, server URL may be or depending on your location. If you run on-prem Rally, use your server public URL.

2Username - your Rally username

3Password - your Rally password

Once credentials are inserted, click 4Get Projects and select a 5Rally project for this integration.

Setup Defect details that will be displayed in Rally:

*Name - name for a Defect that will be created in Rally

**Description - the description for a Defect in html format

Here is a sample template with the CIS Benchmark Check fields:

'<p>New high severity violation:&nbsp;&nbsp;<a class="cke-link-popover-active" href="' + sObject.Id + '">' + sObject.Name + '</a></p>' +
'<p><strong>Policy Name:</strong>&nbsp;' + sObject.Policy_Name__c + '<br />' +
'<strong>Subject:</strong>&nbsp;' + sObject.CA10__subject__c + '<br />' +
'<strong>Severity:</strong>&nbsp;' + sObject.Severity__c + '<br />' +
'<strong>Status:</strong>&nbsp;' + sObject.CA10__status__c + '<br />' +
'<strong>Incompliant Start Date:</strong>&nbsp;' + sObject.CA10__incompliantStartDate__c + '<br />' +
'<strong>Account</strong>: ' + sObject.CA10__awsAccount__c + '</p>'

WHERE should be replaced by your Cloudaware instance web address link

***Environment (optional) - specify Rally environment (Development, Test, Staging, Production)

****Severity (optional) - specify Defect severity (Crash/Data Loss, Major Problem, Minor Problem, Cosmetic)

If values in Environment and Severity fields differ from the accepted ones, they will not be defined in a Defect. Cloudaware also supports JS expressions, e.g. sObject.Severity__c can be used to define the field that should be present as a Defect attribute.

Click Save.

4. The green light in 'Status' means that your Rally Notification integration has been successfully added. If there is a red light, please contact

Workflow Rule Setup for Notifications to Rally

Cloudaware can send an outbound message to Rally whenever a specific criteria is met, which will automatically create a defect in the appropriate Rally project. The workflow functionality allows to send outbound messages.

If you need help with workflow creation please contact your technical account manager.

1. In your Cloudaware account go to Setup in the main menu under your username.

2. In the Quick Find box start typing workflows to select Workflows & Approvals → Workflow Rules → New Rule:

3. Select the object for the rule to be applied to and click Next. In our use case, we are using Cloudaware Benchmark Check.

4. Add Rule Name (1), set Evaluation Criteria(2) and Rule Criteria(3). Add Filter Logic if necessary. Click Save & Next.

In this example, we would like to set up alerts for incompliant benchmark checks of high severity. Every time a new high severity benchmark check is created, the field 'Incompliant End Date' is blank since this violation is not closed yet. If these conditions are met, Cloudaware triggers the workflow rule to take into action creating a new defect in Rally.

More information about workflow rules criteria here.

5. Add Workflow Action → New Outbound Message:

6. Fill out your Outbound Message details:

For Endpoint URL copy the URL in the integration details (e.g.

For 'Selected Fields' specify the fields that should be present in Defect details (used in Description, Environment and Severity when setting up the integration). Otherwise, fields will not be defined.

Click Save.

7. Review the workflow and click Done.

8. Activate the workflow clicking Activate.

9. Once outbound messages are set up, check your Rally Notification integration in Cloudaware. The green light in 'Status' means that the integration has been successfully enabled. If there is a red light, check API Key and Integration Key used for the integration or contact

Sample Defect Based On Cloudaware Workflow Rule Created

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