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Cloudaware - ServiceNow Competitive Analysis

The article provides a brief competitive analysis of Cloudaware and ServiceNow.

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General Overview

Generally, Cloudaware customers deploy Cloudaware in addition to ServiceNow in order to enrich data in ServiceNow with cloud assets that ServiceNow is not able to discover on its own. However, some customers have replaced ServiceNow with Cloudaware entirely. These customers also deployed additional tools such as Atlassian and PagerDuty besides Cloudaware to replace ServiceNow.

Cost Of Ownership

Cloudaware collects all information using provided API keys, and no intermediate servers or software installation is required on customer behalf. ServiceNow, however, requires MID Servers to be deployed, installed and configured - learn more here. In addition, MID Servers need to be updated regularly and pose additional security risk further complicating compliance requirements such as FedRAMP.

Azure and AWS Support

Cloudaware supports ALL of the available AWS and Azure objects (over 2,500 in total), while ServiceNow only supports:

  • Availability Zones

  • Resource Groups

  • Cloud Load Balancers

  • Cloud Public IP Addresses

  • Cloud Storage Accounts

  • Compute Security Groups

  • Hardware Types

  • Cloud Networks

  • Images

  • Storage Volumes

  • Storage Accounts

ServiceNow’s ability to discover cloud assets is extremely limited and hasn't been updated in over 5 years. For example, ServiceNow DOES NOT support these objects: 

  • AWS and Azure Backups

  • SQL Databases

  • App Services

  • DNS Record Sets

Billing Data Integration

While ServiceNow collects billing data for Azure and AWS, the billing data is not reconciled at the CI level. It is only available at the account and cloud provider level. For example, through ServiceNow, it is not possible to tell how much a specific instance or a resource group costs. Cloudaware, on the other hand, reconciles billing data for every CI. 

Performance Data Integration

ServiceNow does not gather performance metrics from AWS and Azure, so it is not possible to build reports about the utilization of resources. Cloudaware supports performance metrics both from AWS and Azure.

Dashboards and Reports

While ServiceNow offers a limited set of dashboards that are available out-of-the-box, Cloudaware is shipped with Tableau Analytics Engine that allows customers and Cloudaware support staff to build highly intuitive and powerful custom visualizations of customer data. Cloudaware support staff to build highly intuitive and powerful custom visualizations of customer data.

ServiceNow Integration 

Cloudaware is capable of both pushing data on-demand into ServiceNow and acting as a repository ServiceNow can pull regularly. Cloudaware can initiate API calls to ServiceNow from inside Cloudaware workflows, triggers, and actions. For example, when a change is detected in the cloud, Cloudaware can submit it in real-time to ServiceNow using an outbound message within Cloudaware.

Wazuh monitors the behavior of Docker hosts and containers detecting any threats, vulnerabilities, and anomalies. This brings visibility into containers running in privileged mode, vulnerable applications, a shell running in a container, changes to persistent volumes or images, and other possible threats. Having the native integration with the Docker engine, Wazuh users can monitor images, volumes, network settings, and running containers. More information on ServiceNow integration is available in this guide

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