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Breeze - Overview & Requirements

The Breeze Agent is a scheduled task that streams OS-level data (users, services, mount points, etc.) into Cloudaware CMDB and seamlessly enables other Cloudaware modules such as Intrusion Detection (IDS), Vulnerability Scanning, Patch Management, CIS Benchmarking, Event Monitoring. 

Supported OS

  • Amazon Linux 2012.09 and newer

  • RHEL/CentOS 5 and newer

  • Debian 7 and newer

  • Ubuntu 10.04 and newer

  • Microsoft Windows Server 2012 and newer, except for Microsoft Windows Server Core installations

  • MacOS

Supported Architectures

  • Linux: x86-64, AArch64 (ARM64)

  • Windows: x86-64

  • MacOS: x86-64 and ARM64

Required Network Dependencies

  • Breeze requires outbound internet access on the port TCP 443 only

  • Breeze does not require any inbound connections and can be deployed on private networks and servers with no public IP addresses

  • Breeze supports IPv4 and IPv6

  • If you need to lock down outbound access to a specific domain name, contact your Technical Account manager

  • On AWS, Azure and GCP the instance metadata must be accessible to the Breeze agent (access to should be granted)

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