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Breeze 3.0 - Changelog

3.0.2 - 2024/10/22

  • feature: support for JAMF

  • feature: support for Oracle Cloud

  • feature: support for preferred descriptor

  • add: breeze env subcommand

  • add: an option to the breeze run subcommand that forces a single plugin to run

  • add: Ctrl+C interrupt handling

  • refactor: output of the breeze scheduler

  • refactor: output of the breeze status

  • refactor: Microsoft device ID will be used as Intune ID

  • fix: client SSL error on failed HTTPS request

  • fix: disable the rubygems update suggestion

  • fix: EC2 IMDSv2 unavailable via proxy server

  • fix: error when a plugin does not have plugin.rb file

  • fix: error when configuring a custom SSL Cloudaware bundle

  • fix: error when updating the agent not from the home directory

3.0.1 - 2024/09/23

  • add: script to create a credentials package for deployment to JAMF

  • refactor: macOS installer (tar.gz + signed pkg)

  • fix: error when the report was not initialized

3.0.0 - 2024/09/05

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