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Sumo Logic Webhook

Sumo Logic is a cloud-native, machine data analytics service for log management and time series metrics.

logo rgb_sign dark (3).png To see how Cloudaware seamlessly integrates with Sumo Logic via webhooks, request a demo.

To set up Sumo Logic Webhook, follow these steps:

1. Log in to your Cloudaware account and click Admin.

2. Locate Sumo Logic Webhook in the list of Monitoring tools. Click +Add.

3. Enter the name for this integration, e.g. Sumo Logic To Cloudaware. Click Save.

Use a meaningful name as it will be displayed as 'Incident Source Provider' on CloudAware Incidents.

4. Use payload and URL to create the connection between Sumo Logic and Cloudaware.

5. Log in to Sumo Logic. Go to Manage Data → Settings → Connections.

6. Click New and select Webhook as a connection type.

7. Fill out the form and click Save

  • Name

  • Description (optional)

  • URL (paste the URL from the step 4)

  • Authorization Header (optional)

  • Payload (paste the payload from the step 4)

8. Click Test Connection to make sure the integration is working. This will create a test incident in Cloudaware.

9. All Sumo Logic alerts will appear in Cloudaware as Incidents.

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