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Snyk is a cybersecurity platform that empowers software developers to find and fix security vulnerabilities in their code, dependencies, containers, and infrastructure as code.

logo rgb_sign dark (3).png To see how Cloudaware seamlessly integrates with Snyk in action, request a demo.


1. Ensure you are using the Enterprise plan.

2. Get the API key. Learn more

Adding Snyk Account

  1. Log in to your Cloudaware account → Admin.

  2. Find Snyk in the list of integrations, click +Add.

  3. To grant access to connect to Snyk, fill out the following fields:

Screenshot 2024-04-22 at 5.12.07 PM.png
  1. Click Save to test the connection.

  2. The green light in 'Status' means that Snyk integration has been successfully configured. If there is a red light, please contact

List of Snyk Objects

Cloudaware supports the following Snyk objects:

Snyk Accounts

Snyk Organizations

Snyk Projects

CloudAware Vulnerability Scan

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