Okta Organizations
Okta is an identity and access management platform for businesses to securely manage user authentication and access to applications across different devices. This guide explains how to add Okta Organization to Cloudaware to track Okta assets in the CMDB.
To see how Cloudaware seamlessly integrates with Okta Organizations, request a demo.
Add Okta Organization
Log in to Cloudaware account → Admin.
Find Okta Organizations in the list of Other integrations. Click +ADD.
Fill out the form:
Name - provide a meaningful integration name
Base URL - insert the Okta URL in the formathttps://yourOktaOrg.com
API Key - insert the Okta API token
Click CHECK. Once the validation is passed, click SAVE.The green light in 'Status' means that Okta Organization integration has been successfully configured. If there is a red light, please contact support@cloudaware.com.
To view Okta Oganization-related data, go to Cloudaware CMDB Navigator. Select OKTA in the menu on the left.
List of Okta Organization objects
Cloudaware supports the following Okta Organization objects:
Okta API Service Integration
Okta Agent
Okta Agent Pool
Okta Application
Okta Application Group Link
Okta Application User Link
Okta Authenticator
Okta Authorization Server
Okta Authorization Server Claim
Okta Authorization Server Client
Okta Authorization Server Policy
Okta Authorization Server Policy Rule
Okta Authorization Server Scope
Okta Behavior Rule
Okta Brand
Okta Custom Domain
Okta Custom Role
Okta Device
Okta Device User Link
Okta Email Domain
Okta Email Server
Okta Event Hook
Okta Group
Okta Group Owner
Okta Group Rule
Okta Group User Link
Okta Identity Provider
Okta Identity Provider User Link
Okta Log Stream
Okta Organization
Okta Policy
Okta Policy Resource Link
Okta Policy Rule
Okta Push Provider
Okta Security Event Provider
Okta Security Event Stream
Okta Trusted Origin
Okta User
Okta User Type