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Jamf is comprehensive enterprise management software for the Apple platform, simplifying IT management for Mac, iPad, iPhone and Apple TV.

logo rgb_sign dark (3).png To see how Cloudaware seamlessly integrates with Jamf in action, request a demo.


Cloudaware uses GET methods to discover and collect Jamf resources via API. Ensure that you have provided Cloudaware with the following read permissions:

GET /accounts/groupid/{id}
GET /accounts
GET /accounts/userid/{id}
GET /computergroups/id/{id}
GET /computergroups
GET /computers/id/{id}
GET /computers/subset/basic
GET /computers
GET /mobiledevicegroups/id/{id}
GET /mobiledevicegroups
GET /mobiledevices/id/{id}
GET /mobiledevices
GET /usergroups/id/{id}
GET /usergroups
GET /users/id/{id}
GET /users

Adding Jamf Instance

1. Log in to your Cloudaware account → Admin.

2. Find Jamf in the list of integrations, click +Add.

3. To grant access to connect to Jamf infrastructure, fill out the following fields:


URL - the public link to your Jamf instance
Username - the username for your Jamf instance
Password - the password for your Jamf instance

Set up as many Jamf integrations as many Jamf instances you need Cloudaware to have access to.

4. Click Save to test the connection.

5. The green light in 'Status' means that Jamf integration has been successfully configured. If there is a red light, please contact

Please allow some time for Cloudaware to collect and display your Jamf resources. The initial setup time is <6 hours.

6. Go to CMDB Navigator to review Jamf resources discovered:

List of Jamf Objects

Cloudaware supports the following Jamf objects:

JAMF Account Group
JAMF Account User
JAMF Computer
JAMF Computer Group
JAMF Computer Storage
JAMF Instance
JAMF Mobile Device
JAMF Mobile Device Group
JAMF User Group

JAMF Account Group User Link
JAMF Computer Group Computer Link
JAMF Mobile Device Group Device Link
JAMF User Group User Link

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