CloudWatch Agent
Cloudaware integrates with CloudWatch agents to gather instance-level utilization data and provide customers with capacity utilization reports.
To see how Cloudaware seamlessly integrates with CloudWatch in action, request a demo.
Review the CloudWatch agent configuration to provide Cloudaware with the following details:
Do all the CW agents have the same configuration, or is each one configured separately? Learn more
Is the namespace custom or the default one (
)?Are the metrics stored on the same account or sent to a different account*? Learn more
If you have a centralized configuration file for all CW agents, please get the file as shown here.
*Note that Cloudaware will not be able to collect CloudWatch metrics that are sent to a different account.
What pair of dimensions
are you using - default or custom** one? Read more (see the section CloudWatch agent configuration file: Metrics section →aggregation_dimensions
**Note that Cloudaware will not be able to collect metrics if a custom pair of dimensions is used.
Add CW agent config file to Cloudaware
Provide CloudWatch agent configuration information to Cloudaware by contacting your dedicated technical account manager or via
Please allow 24 hours for the data to be collected in Cloudaware.
Capacity report data In Cloudaware
Capacity utilization data is available at the instance level in Cloudaware: