Alibaba Cloud
This guide explains how to add an Alibaba Cloud account to Cloudaware. Alibaba Cloud is an integrated suite of cloud products and services to help digitalize by providing scalable, secure, and reliable cloud computing solutions.
To integrate Alibaba Cloud with Cloudaware:
Create a RAM role or a RAM user in Alibaba Cloud:
RAM Role
Download the RAM template from Cloudaware
Copy the External ID in Cloudaware
Create a stack in the Alibaba ROS Console using the RAM template and External ID from Cloudaware
RAM User
Create a user in the RAM Console
Copy the user access key
Add the Alibaba account to Cloudaware:
RAM Role: use the RAM Role ARN
RAM User: use the user access key and secret
For detailed instructions, refer to the guidelines below.
Add Alibaba Cloud Account
Using RAM Role (Recommended)
This option allows adding an Alibaba Cloud account to Cloudaware with a pre-generated template for RAM role creation. The template simplifies the creation of stack and RAM user in Resource Orchestration Service (ROS) in Alibaba Cloud.
Log in to Cloudaware → Admin.
Find Alibaba Cloud. Click +ADD.
Fill out the integration form:
Account Name - provide a meaningful Alibaba Cloud account name
Authentification Type - select 'RAM Role'
Trusted Account - Cloudaware Alibaba Cloud account ID that is auto-populated in the template (copy the trusted account ID only if the Cloudaware RAM role will be created manually in Alibaba Cloud)
External ID - generate External ID and save it for further setup in Alibaba
Click TEMPLATE to download the Cloudaware template. Open the file in a text editor.Log in to the ROS console in Alibaba Cloud. Go to Templates → My Templates → Create template.
In the section 'Edit template', paste the code of the downloaded Cloudaware template. Click Save Template.
In the section 'Actions' for the created template, click Create Stack.
In the section 'Access', insert the saved External ID in the AccessExternalId field. Click Create.
Select the tab 'Resources'. Click on the role CloudAwareRamRole. Copy the Role ARN.
Go back to Cloudaware. Paste the RAM Role ARN in the integration form:
Click CHECK. Once the validation is passed, click SAVE.The green light in 'Status' means that the Alibaba Cloud account has been successfully added. If there is a red light, please contact
Using Access Keys
This option allows adding an Alibaba Cloud account to Cloudaware with user access key and secret.
Log in to Cloudaware → Admin.
Find Alibaba Cloud. Click +ADD.
Fill out the integration form:
Name - provide a meaningful Alibaba Cloud account name
Authentification Type - select 'Access Keys'
Access Key ID - insert RAM user’s access key ID
Access Key Secret - insert RAM user’s access key secret
Click CHECK. Once the validation is passed, click SAVE.The green light in 'Status' means that Alibaba Cloud account has been successfully added. If there is a red light, please contact
List of Alibaba Cloud objects
Cloudaware supports the following Alibaba Cloud objects at the moment:
Ali Account
Ali ACK Cluster
Ali ACK Cluster Resource
Ali ACK Node
Ali ACK Node Pool
Ali ACK Node Pool ASP Link
Ali ACK Node Pool SG Link
Ali ACK Policy
Ali ACK Policy Instance
Ali ACK Template
Ali ECS Auto Provisioning Group
Ali ECS Auto Snapshot Policy
Ali ECS Dedicated Host
Ali ECS Dedicated Host Cluster
Ali ECS Deployment Set
Ali ECS Disk
Ali ECS Disk Instance Link
Ali ECS HPC Cluster
Ali ECS Image
Ali ECS Image Component
Ali ECS Image Pipeline
Ali ECS Image Snapshot Link
Ali ECS Instance
Ali ECS Instance SG Link
Ali ECS Key Pair
Ali ECS Launch Template
Ali ECS Launch Template Vers Disk Link
Ali ECS Launch Template Version
Ali ECS Launch Template Version SG Link
Ali ECS Network Interface
Ali ECS Network Interface SG Link
Ali ECS Reserved Instance
Ali ECS Security Group
Ali ECS Security Group Rule
Ali ECS Snapshot
Ali ECS Snapshot Group
Ali ECS Snapshot Link
Ali EIP Address
Ali EIP Address Group
Ali FC Alias
Ali FC Custom Domain
Ali FC Custom Domain Route
Ali FC Function
Ali FC Function Layer Version Link
Ali FC Function Mount Config
Ali FC Function Version
Ali FC Function VPC Link
Ali FC Function VPC vSwitch Link
Ali FC Layer
Ali FC Layer Version
Ali FC Trigger
Ali OSS Bucket
Ali Public IP Address Pool
Ali Public IP Address Pool Zone Link
Ali Region
Ali SAE Application
Ali SAE Application Group
Ali SAE Application Instance
Ali SAE Application Log Config
Ali SAE Application Scaling Rule
Ali SAE Application Version
Ali SAE Config Map Application Link
Ali SAE Consumed Service
Ali SAE Ingress
Ali SAE Namespace
Ali SAE Namespaced Config Map
Ali SAE Published Service
Ali SLB Access Control List
Ali SLB Forwarding Rule
Ali SLB Listener ACL Link
Ali SLB Listener CA Cert Link
Ali SLB Listener Certificate
Ali SLB Listener Server Cert Link
Ali SLB Load Balancer
Ali SLB Load Balancer Listener
Ali SLB Security Policy
Ali SLB Server Group
Ali Zone