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Active Directory (LDAP)

Active Directory (LDAP) integration allows to add Azure Active Directory into Cloudaware using LDAP server credentials.

logo rgb_sign dark (3).png To see how Cloudaware seamlessly integrates with Active Directory, request a demo.


If Active Directory is public, ensure that you have access to the required credentials.

If Active Directory is running in a private network, TunHub gateway must be configured before Active Directory integration can be added to Cloudaware.

TunHub Setup (optional)

Since the access to Active Directory may be limited due to its location in a private network, this integration may require setting up a TunHub Gateway connection with Cloudaware. Address the TunHub Integration Guide for more information.

Adding Active Directory with LDAP credentials

1. Log in to your Cloudaware account → Admin.

2. Find Active Directory (LDAP) in the list of integrations, click +Add.

3. To grant access to connect to Active Directory, fill out the following fields:

Bind DN - distinguished name of the user for Cloudaware to access your Active Directory

Host - the host to access your Active Directory (if AD is private, use the host assigned in TunHub Gateway, e.g.

Port - the port to access your Active Directory (if AD is private, use the port assigned in TunHub Gateway, e.g. 1234)

Password - the password for the user for Cloudaware to access your Active Directory

Base DN - distinguished name of the core LDAP object (select from the list which is available after all fields above are inserted)

Click Save to test the connection.

4. The green light in 'Status' means that Active Directory integration has been successfully configured. If there is a red light, please contact

5. Once the integration is added, go to Cloudaware CMDB Navigator to view the Active Directory data collected under the tab 'Active Directory':

List of Active Directory Objects

Active Directory
Active Directory Computer
Active Directory Group
Active Directory Group Link
Active Directory Group Policy
Active Directory Organizational Unit
Active Directory User

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